A huge thank you to our friend Mike Temple at P-Town Beats for this amazing remix of 'Silence Otherwise’ off the latest release, ‘Idle Voices'. It has this poweful energy while leaving the listener floating in space. We love it, and we love that you’ve done this! Please check it out on our Bandcamp!
As a musician and artist, creation is the goal. You focus and manifest a vision into the world and the thrill of the process is as good, if not better, than the finished product. To have people appreciate, or even LOVE, your work is a rare and valuable reward, so thank you to The Daily Vault for ranking Idle Voices as one of their top 10 releases of 2021.
Watch the official music video for Blossom!
We’ve been hard at work producing this beautiful music video! Enjoy, share, and let us know what you think in the comments!!
Directed by: Mike Campise
Filmed and Edited by: Stephen Vincent Anderson
Original Music: ‘Blossom’ by Sleepersound from the album ‘Idle Voices’
About a month ago our friends at Joyzine and XO Publicity announced they would be reviving the long-running and much loved ‘XO For the Holidays’ Christmas Comp for the milestone vol X. Dave instantly had an idea for our cover and we got to work. Over a 3 week span, we wrote and tracked our take on ‘Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel’. With the image of a people wandering the desert and being overcome with the visage of their god, we tried to channel a haunting and clamorous vibe. Experimenting with modular Buchla synths and painted layers of sound, we love the final product and hope you will too.
The entire comp is great, each artist lending a beautiful and unique feeling to the 14 track album. Its refreshing to hear something new this time of year. Make sure to spike the nog extra hard and throw these jams on! Stream live and download here! XO for the Holidays Vol X
A big thank you to Tom Haugen of ‘Daily Vault’ for taking the time to listen to ‘Idle Voices’. It always feels good when your artwork gets recognized!